NEWS / strategy

How To Use Coins In An Efficient Way - Provided by Faye (AS20-10327)


In this game, coins are only used for enchanting and upgrading. You need to obey that coins are also useful even though they are rarely used. Here's an efficient way to spend your coins.


1. Hero Upgrade


The first thing you can do is, you can use your coins to increase your hero. You need materials for each level of your hero. In each stage, your hero strength will increase at each stage. Of course this will really help you to increase your total power in this game. The higher your hero stage, the more expensive the coins you need, so prepare your coins to increase your hero. The upgrade cost requires coins and a hero stone.


2. Enhance Equipment


The next way to use coins efficiently is to enhance equipment. It is also very important to increase your total power. Your power will increase with the high level of the equipment. You will also get a bonus power for every 10 equipment levels.


3. Enhance Relic


Enhance relic can increase your attack and crit. you need relics xp and coins to increase your relics. As for refines that require coins for each time you want to increase them.


4.  Refine Relic


Almost the same as enhance relics before, refine will help you add your total power quickly. However, refines have 2 types that you can improve.


• Relic ATK

Add attack and pierce at each level will add quite a lot to your total power. You need the same relics as the relics you are refining. Every time you increase the level of your refine relic, the more relics you need to increase the level.


• Relic HP

Adds HP and Crit Resist at every level. Just like the relic attack, the relic hp also requires the same relic as the relic that will be refined at each level.